Assessing the impact of energy coaching with smart technology interventions to alleviate energy poverty
J Llewellyn, T Venverloo, F Duarte, C Ratti, C Katzeff, F Johansson, D Pargman
Nature Scientific Reports
XNILMBoost: Explainability-informed load disaggregation training enhancement using attribution priors
D Batic, V Stankovic, L Stankovic
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 141, 109766
Published: 23
A mixed-method approach to study the impacts of energy micro-generation combined with appliance-level feedback on everyday practices
C Tellarini, M Shajalal, N Castelli, M Stein, A Boden, TH Christensen
Energy Efficiency 17 (8), 94
An active learning framework for microseismic event detection
Sobot, T., Murray, D., Stankovic, V., Stankovic, L., & Shi, P
In 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE.
Analysis of Smart Meter Data for Energy Waste Management
D Batic, L Stankovic, V Stankovic
Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability
A complex mixed-methods data-driven energy-centric evaluation of net-positive households
Vavouris, A., Guasselli, F., Stankovic, L., Stankovic, V., Gram-Hanssen, K., & Didierjean, S.
Applied Energy, 367, 123404.
A Pre-Training Pruning Strategy for Enabling Lightweight Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring On Edge Devices
Athanasoulias, S., Sykiotis, S., Temenos, N., Doulamis, A., & Doulamis, N.
In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW) (pp. 249-253). IEEE.
A weakly supervised active learning framework for non-intrusive load monitoring
Tanoni, G., Sobot, T., Principi, E., Stankovic, V., Stankovic, L., & Squartini, S.
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, (Preprint), 1-18.
Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking? The Role of Professionals’ Imaginaries in the Development of Smart Home Technologies
Pereira, V. & Hargreaves, T
In Futures, 2024
ChargeDEM: Geodemographic Aware EV Charging Infrastructure Placement for Enhanced Site Selection using Graph Neural Networks
Batic, D., Stankovic, V., Stankovic, L.
12th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL’24)
Descriptor: A Norwegian Positive Energy Neighbourhood Dataset of Electrical Measurements and Interviews on Energy Practices (NorPEN)
A Vavouris, F Guasselli, L Stankovic, V Stankovic, K Gram-Hanssen, ...
IEEE Data Descriptions
Explaining AI Decisions: Towards Achieving Human-Centered Explainability in Smart Home Environments
M Shajalal, A Boden, G Stevens, D Du, DR Kern
The 2nd International Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI2024), Malta, July 2024
ForecastExplainer: Explainable Household Energy Demand Forecasting by Approximating Shapley Values Using DeepLIFT
Shajalal, M., Boden, A., & Stevens, G.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 206, 123588.
Human in the loop active learning for time-series electrical measurement data
Sobot, T., Stankovic, V., & Stankovic, L.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 133, 108589.
“If something breaks, who comes here to fix it?”: Island narratives on the energy transition in light of the concept of practice architectures
Tellarini, C., & Gram-Hanssen, K
Energy Research & Social Science, 114, 103617
Improved Thermal Comfort Model Leveraging Conditional Tabular GAN Focusing on Feature Selection
Shajalal, M., Bohlouli, M., Das, H. P., Boden, A., & Stevens, G.
IEEE Access, 2024
Time and Money Matters for Sustainability: Insights on User Preferences on Renewable Energy for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Du, D., Vavouris, A., Veisi, O., Jin, L., Stevens, G., Stankovik, L., Stankovik, V., Boden, A
MuC '24: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024
Towards edge-computed NILM: Insights from a Mediterranean Use Case
S Athanasoulias, N Temenos, N Doulamis, A Doulamis, I Kokos, N Ipiotis
2024 3rd International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean
The Plegma dataset: Domestic appliance-level and aggregate electricity demand with metadata from Greece
Athanasoulias, Sotirios, et al.
Nature Scientific Data 11.1 (2024): 376
Unlocking the potential of smart EV charging: A user-oriented control system based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
C. Menos-Aikateriniadis, S. Sykiotis and P. S. Georgilakis
Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 230, 2024
Segmentation of Remote Sensing Data with Missing Modalities Through Prototype Knowledge Distillation
N Bakalos, S Sykiotis, A Temenos, I Rallis, A Doulamis, N Doulamis
IGARSS 2024-2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Smart, fair and flexible: Lessons from the smart meter rollouts in Great Britain
Sharma, N.
Heinrich Böll Stiftung | Brussels office - European Union, January 18, 2024.
Smart energy technologies for the collective: Time-shifting, demand reduction and household practices in a Positive Energy Neighbourhood in Norway
Guasselli, F., Vavouris, A., Stankovic, L., Stankovic, V., Didierjean, S., & Gram-Hanssen, K.
Energy Research & Social Science, 110, 103436.
Sub-Hourly Load Forecasting for Community-Level Flexible Appliance Management
C Menos-Aikateriniadis, A Akarepis, I Kokos, PS Georgilakis
2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8
What Matters in Explanations: Towards Explainable Fake Review Detection Focusing on Transformers
Shajalal, M., Atabuzzaman, M., Boden, A., Stevens, G., & Du, D.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.21056.
Published: 19
An active learning framework for the low-frequency Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring problem
Todic, T., Stankovic, V., & Stankovic, L.
Applied Energy
An interoperable and cost-effective IoT-based Framework for Household Energy Monitoring and Analysis
Athanasoulias, S., Katsari, A., Savvakis, M., Kalogridis, S., & Ipiotis, N.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments
A Fair Selection Strategy for Residential Demand Response Participants
C. Menos-Aikateriniadis, I. Zafeiratou, N. Charitos, P. S. Georgilakis and I. Kokos
IEEE International Conference on Communications,
Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm)
A self-sustained EV charging framework with N-step deep reinforcement learning
Sykiotis, S., Menos-Aikateriniadis, C., Doulamis, A., Doulamis, N., & Georgilakis, P. S.
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Arabic Sentiment Analysis with Noisy Deep Explainable Model
Atabuzzaman, M., Shajalal, M., Baby, M. B., & Boden, A
In Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (pp. 185-189)
Continilm: A Continual Learning Scheme for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
S. Sykiotis, M. Kaselimi, A. Doulamis, and N. Doulamis
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Developing an Intersectional Approach to Emerging Energy Technologies in Homes
Hargreaves, T., & Sharma, N. K.
Buildings and Cities.
Embedding intersectionality in policy research
Sharma, N.
Integration of drivers' routines into lifecycle assessment of electric vehicles
Vavouris, A., Stankovic, L., & Stankovic, V.
The 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference.
Interpreting Black-box Machine Learning Models for High Dimensional Datasets
M Karim, M Shajalal, A Graß, T Döhmen, SA Chala, C Beecks, S Decker
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
Improving knowledge distillation for non-intrusive load monitoring through explainability guided learning
Batic, D., Tanoni, G., Stankovic, L., Stankovic, V., & Principi, E.
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
Performance-aware NILM model optimization for edge deployment
Sykiotis, S., Athanasoulias, S., Kaselimi, M., Doulamis, A., Doulamis, N., Stankovic, L., & Stankovic, V.
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
Provocative AI: Beyond Calm Interactions
Hargreaves, T. & Pereira, V.
IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 58-61, 1 July-Sept. 2023
Review on the Application Areas of Decision-Making Algorithms in Smart Homes
Jin, L., & Boden, A.
HHAI 2023: Augmenting Human Intellect (pp. 74-92). IOS Press.
Social justice implications of smart urban technologies: an intersectional approach
Sharma, N. K., Hargreaves, T., & Pallett, H.
Buildings and Cities
Tackling fuel poverty: learning from winter research
Middlemiss, L. et al.
The design space of building user-centered AI user interfaces for smart heating systems.
Jin, L., & Boden, A.
Mensch und Computer 2023. UCAI 2023: Workshop on User-Centered Artificial Intelligence.
Towards transparent load disaggregation–a framework for quantitative evaluation of explainability using explainable AI
Batic, D., Stankovic, V., & Stankovic, L.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.
Optimal scheduling of electric vehicle charging with deep reinforcement learning considering end users flexibility
C. Menos-Aikateriniadis, S. Sykiotis and P. S. Georgilakis
13th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion
OPT-NILM: An Iterative Prior-to-Full-Training Pruning Approach for Cost-Effective User Side Energy Disaggregation
S. Athanasoulias, S. Sykiotis, M. Kaselimi, A. Doulamis, N. Doulamis and N. Ipiotis
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
Unveiling the Black Box: Explainable Deep Learning Models for Patent Classification
M Shajalal, D Sebastian, RK Md., B Alexander, S Gunnar
The 1st World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI 2023), Lisbon, Portugal, Springer
Published: 21
A First Approach using Graph Neural Networks on Non-Intrusive-Load-Monitoring
Athanasoulias, S., Sykiotis, S., Kaselimi, M., Protopapadakis, E., & Ipiotis, N.
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive
Environments (pp. 601-607).
An Efficient Deep Bidirectional Transformer Model for Energy Disaggregation
Sykiotis, S., Kaselimi, M., Doulamis, A., & Doulamis, N.
In 2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (pp. 1536-1540). IEEE.
Analysing co-design methods applied to energy-related smart home technologies
Guasselli, F. C., Gram-Hanssen, K., & Pereira, V.
In eceee Summer Study on Energy Efficiency: Agents of Change.
Appliance Phase Identification on ECO Dataset
Vavouris, A., Stankovic, L., Stankovic, V. Appliance Phase Identification on ECO Dataset.
University of Strathclyde. AppliancePhaseInformation
Automated Decision Making Systems in Smart Homes: A Study on User Engagement and Design
Jin, L., Boden, A., & Shajalal, M.
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022
Benefits of three-phase metering for load disaggregation
Vavouris, A., Stankovic, L., Stankovic, V., & Shi, J.
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities,
and Transportation
Electricity: An efficient transformer for non-intrusive load monitoring
Sykiotis, S., Kaselimi, M., Doulamis, A., & Doulamis, N.
Sensors, 22(8), 2926.
[Dataset] Electricity consumption measurements from three dairy farms in Germany
Todic, T., Stankovic, L., Stankovic, V.
University of Strathclyde.
Explainable product backorder prediction exploiting CNN: Introducing explainable models in businesses
Shajalal, M., Boden, A., & Stevens, G.
Electronic Markets, 1-16.
Focus on what matters: improved feature selection techniques for personal thermal comfort modelling
Shajalal, M., Bohlouli, M., Das, H. P., Boden, A., & Stevens, G.
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities,
and Transportation
Learning to consume less energy through strategies of sufficiency
Tellarini, C., & Christensen, T. H.
In eceee Summer Study on Energy Efficiency: Agents of Change.
Low-frequency non-intrusive load monitoring of electric vehicles in houses with solar generation: generalisability and transferability
Vavouris, A., Garside, B., Stankovic, L., & Stankovic, V.
Energies, 15(6), 2200.
Particle swarm optimization in residential demand-side management: A review on scheduling and control algorithms for demand response provision
Menos-Aikateriniadis, C., Lamprinos, I., & Georgilakis, P. S.
Energies, 15(6), 2211.
Quantification of dairy farm energy consumption to support the transition to sustainable farming
Todic, T., Stankovic, L., Stankovic, V., & Shi, J.
In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) (pp. 368-373). IEEE.
Smart meter electricity of a Household in Germany with Electric Vehicle Charging Annotation
Stankovic, L. (Supervisor), Stankovic, V.
University of Strathclyde. discovergy
[Dataset] Smart meter electricity of a Household in Germany with Electric Vehicle Charging Annotation
Vavouris, A., Stankovic, L., & Stankovic, V.
University of Strathclyde
Solar Power driven EV Charging Optimization with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Sykiotis, S., Menos-Aikateriniadis, C., Doulamis, A., Doulamis, N., & Georgilakis, P. S.
In 2022 2nd International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area. IEEE.
Social (In) Justice and the Smart Grid Transition: How do smart grid technologies aggravate injustices against marginalized groups?
Sharma, N.
UEA Science, Society, & Sustainability
Time Series Anomaly Detection in Smart Homes: A Deep Learning Approach
Zamani, S., Talebi, H., & Stevens, G.
Applied Machine Learning Methods for Time Series Forecasting (AMLTS).
Towards user-centered explainable energy demand forecasting systems
Shajalal, M., Boden, A., & Stevens, G.
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems
Visual prototyping the Smart-House future: a proposed co-design experience based on the collective imaginary from the cinema
Pereira, V., & Barros, G.
(In) Rautenberg, M,; Laffont, G. & Rozestraten, A. (Eds).
IV Colloque International Imaginaire
Collective construction of responsible and explainable AI for Smart Home technologies
Pereira, V.
Poster presentation at the ARIES Winter School, Norwich, UK. Nov 24-26, 2021.